How to clean silver jewelry

Before and after..

All you need is ;

  1. Your dirty silver jewelry piece
  2. Baking soda
  3. Aluminium foil
  4. A bowl
  5. Water

Follow this simple steps

  1. Boil the water
  2. Cover your bowl with aluminium foil. Make sure the shiny one is facing up.IMG_3160
  3. Put your jewelry in it. IMG_3162
  4. Pour the hot water
  5. Add baking sodaIMG_3164IMG_3166It should look like this. The water will slightly change color. Make sure your silver make contact with the aluminum foil.


The end result !! 😀


Good luck ! 😉

P/S : If you are not confident with this method, you can go straight to Tiffany & Co. KLCC and pay about RM200++ for cleaning your silver.