What I do with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

1. Wash my hair

Mix one cup of ACV with six cup of distilled water. After shampoo your hair, soak your hair with the mixture and leave them on your hair for few minutes. Then rinse your hair thoroughly. Let your hair air dry. You don’t need to use hair conditioner.

This method could encourage hair growth, treating dandruff itchy and dry scalp, balancing hair and scalp PH and it could works as a natural detangler.

2. Mix it with Aztec Indian Healing Clay as a face mask

Mix three tablespoon of ACV with two tablespoon of Aztec Indian Healing Clay in a plastic container using plastic tablespoon. Then apply them evenly to your face.

They did not advise to use metal for this mixture. I’m not sure why.

They should take you 30-40 minutes to dry out. depending on the concentration of the mixture. You will get itchy feeling and a little bit sting but not too much during the drying process. But nothing to worry about.


3. Mix it with Manuka Honey

My ex-boss taught me this recipe to cure gastric.

Mix one teaspoon of Manuka Honey, two tablespoon of ACV with one teacup of warm water.

Stir them well. Drink them everyday. It tastes weird at first, but once u get use to it you will like it.


There are many things you can do with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Most of the recipe you can just simply get them from the internet. But be sure to do some research before you apply it on your body or consume them. Different body might react differently. Or you could consult with the doctors if needed.

Good Luck !